“Fashions fade, style is eternal.” - Yves Saint Laurent

Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year: 2011

Jag vill önska er alla ett Gott Nytt År! Jag vet att ni är lika glada som jag är, ännu ett årgått kan du tro det?! ;) Var säker och njut av din helg! :)

I'm alive!
I know I have not blogged a whole lot in the past two months and for that I am very sorry. Ive missed my blog and all my friends I have made within the community I really have :)

I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year! I know you are as excited as I am, another year gone can you believe it?! ;) Please be safe and enjoy your weekend! :)


Thursday, December 2, 2010

CSN Giveaway Winner!

Rinz is my giveaway winner! 
Congratulations to my winner, you have been selected among many ! Please respond to my email with your contact information so I can pass it along to CSN. I hope that you get what you wanted from the site! Thank you to everyone who has taken part in my giveaway's. December is always a busy busy month for me, I have a very demanding job... the lack of blog posts should tell you that. I sure do miss you all i'll be posting more real soon I promise!!  Have a good weekend everyone! have fun & be safe!